-后记- <br/> 在停车场害死子言的那个男人,是一个小企业主,我在深圳的项目和他的公司有冲突,从来我都没有把这种小公司放在眼里。 <br/> 本来,我抬抬手他也就过去了,可是,我没有给他的公司翻身的会。结果,公司破产,不堪被追债,他太太服毒自杀,家破人亡。他每天都在我公司的那栋楼停车场门口等着我伺机报复。 <br/> <br/> 没想到我的轻狂和在商场上的狠毒会害死我最爱的女人。 <br/> <br/> 子言的父母来上海办理后事,这是一对纯朴的知识分子,对我,他们没有一个字的指责,巨大的悲痛已经让他们无话可说。白发人送黑发人的凄凉让我的良心更加受到责备。 <br/> 我买下了子言的这套小公寓,给了子言父母很大一笔钱,我知道钱不能换回他们的女儿。可是我真的不知道还有什么方式弥补。 <br/> 子言是他们三个孩子里面最有出息的,也是他们的骄傲。我却害得他们一家这么痛苦。 <br/> <br/> 我搬到了子言的公寓生活,在这里,每天我都和子言聊天,其实,外表坚强的她很怕寂寞,我不忍心再让她那么寂寞 <br/> 每个星期,我都会去青浦看望子言,在那里我给她买了墓地,墓碑上刻着:爱妻吴子言之墓 <br/> <br/> 今天是子言的29岁生日,隔壁音像店传来一个熟悉的旋律是子言的最爱 <br/> <you took my heart away> <br/> <br/> staring at the moon, so blue <br/> turning all my thoughts to you <br/> i was without hopes or dreams <br/> trapped to die and never scream <br/> but you, saw me through <br/> <br/> walking on a path of fear <br/> see your faces everywher <br/> as you melt this hottest stone <br/> you take my hand to guide me home <br/> and now, i'm in love <br/> <br/> you took my heart away <br/> when my whole world was grey <br/> you gave me everything <br/> and a little bit more <br/> and when it's cold at night <br/> and you sleep by my side <br/> you've become the meaning of my life <br/> <br/> faring in a world so cold <br/> you are there to warm my soul <br/> you came to mend a broken heart <br/> you gave my life a brand new start <br/> and now, i'm in love <br/> <br/> holding your hand <br/> i won't fear tomorrow <br/> here where we stand <br/> we'll never be alone <br/> <br/> you've become the meaning of my life <br/> you've become the meaning <br/> you've become the meaning of my life <br/> <br/> 我再也止不住的泪如雨下。 <br/> 来生我会娶你 <br/> 但是,今生不行 <br/> 子言,子言,子言……你的话刻在我的心里,我要怎样才能找回你? |